Tine Baranowski, ACC
Leadership & Embodiment Coach
Internet: www.tinebaranowski.de E-Mail tine@tinebaranowski.de
Born in 1987, a true native of Karlsruhe, working languages: German, English.
Leadership & Embodiment Coach - for the economic empowerment of women in leadership; Business Coach (IHK), Yoga Teacher basic training (200+h), ThetaHealing® Practitioner; Professional experience as Agile Team Coach & Scrum Master, Lead Product Manager; Coaching focus areas: personal development, vision development, mindset, values & identity, self-confidence, mindfulness through embodiment, belief work, work-life balance; Motto: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - C.G. Jung; Tine in 3 words: yoga, travel, joy of living.
Dirk Becker, ACC
Business & Personal Coach
E-Mail dirk@beckerdirk.de
Born in 1966, lives in Östringen, working languages: German, English
PhD in physics, over 25 years of professional experience in the IT industry (project management), business coach (IHK) since 2018.
Creativity has always been my most important value. In addition to sport and photography, I love music and nature, especially the high mountains. I love working with people and am curious about personal and unique universes, especially on the topics of sensitivity and talent. I invite my clients on a journey to discover themselves, to realize their own potential and to explore exciting new horizons.
Florian Bente, PCC
Leadership & Team Coach
Internet www.yoursummit.de E-Mail florian@yoursummit.de
Born in 1973, based in Munich, working languages: German, English, Portuguese
Certified Business & Team Coach (IHK/ICF) specialized in: developing the potential of teams, leaders, and subject-matter experts, as well as career restarts. Using a systemic, holistic coaching approach, my focus is on leadership skills, communication, conflict and change management, decision-making, self-leadership, stress management, emotional intelligence, and strengthening trust, self-confidence, and sustainable relationships; certified LPP Coach (Personality Profiler); extensive experience as a transformation manager and leader in supply chain management at a global technology corporation; passionate mountaineer and mountain sports trainer (DAV/DOSB)
Jan Breitling, ACC
Personal & Business Coach
Internet www.breitling-coaching.de E-Mail kontakt@breitling-coaching.de
Born in 1975, lives in Gerlingen, working languages: German, English
Part-time role as a coach; employed full-time as an enthusiastic manager and project manager at a global market leader in mobility industry; graduate industrial engineer, business coach (IHK), project management professional (PMI). What inspires me: to support (prospective) managers on their way into coherent attitude and solutions, to develop teams into 'performing teams', to work as a trainer at the UCN. Coaching focus: management development, personality development, designing change processes, using non-violent communication, developing mindfulness.
Dr. Wolfgang Bruns, ACC
Lawyer & Business Coach
Internet www.arztrecht.org E-Mail bruns@arztrecht.org
Lives in Karlsruhe, working language: German
I help people in professional crises. As a lawyer, specialist lawyer for labor law and specialist lawyer for medical law. But also as a coach. If you want to stop swimming in the problem lake, I support you in discovering new solutions and finding new ways. I believe that you can change if you want to. And I will help you to do so.
Amaury Eber, ACC
Agile Business Coach
Internet www.amauryeber.com E-Mail mail@amauryeber.com
Generation X, lives in Karlsruhe, working languages: German, English
Self-employed agile coach in the field of digital product development with a focus on team development, leadership, communication, potential development of executives and team members. Convinced agilist, scrum and OKR master, advocate of nonviolent communication, systemic solution-focused coach. Private: Nature and animal photographer, hobby pianist, trainer for Southeast Asian martial arts, further education junkie, motto: If you want, you will find a way!
Oliver Erbe, ACC
Business Coach & Consultant for Self-Leadership & Team Development
Internet www.olivererbe.com E-Mail info@olivererbe.com
Born in 1967, lives in Kelkheim (near Frankfurt), working languages: German, English
Business coach (IHK), business graduate, husband and father; many years of experience as a manager in the international marketing of highly competitive companies; experienced and understood burn-out; for several years he has been working full-time as a business coach and consultant with a focus on self-leadership, burn-out prevention, developing the potential of managers and teams with the help of coaching, workshops, seminars and lectures.
Corinna Frauenfeld, PCC
Personal Coach
Internet www.corinnafrauenfeld.com E-Mail hallo@corinnafrauenfeld.com
Born in 1981, lives in Sandhausen, working languages: German, English
Industrial economist, Business Coach, certified LPP (Personality Profiler) Coach; Coach & trainer for transformation and reorientation, intern. professional experience in global purchasing & project management, as an alliance manager, in process- and change management, board officer, management of virtual teams; Coaching focus: personal growth, (self)leadership, change processes
Sonja Gäng, ACC
Business- & Team Coach, Mental- & Laughter Yoga Trainer
Internet www.sonne-im-herzen.net E-Mail sonja.gaeng@sonne-im-herzen.net
Born in 1974, lives in Oberhausen-Rheinhausen, working languages: German, English
Business coach IHK, mental trainer for adults and children, laughter yoga trainer, ThetaHealing® Practitioner, certified LPP (Personality Profiler) coach, certified LifeCruise-Navi® Coach; freelance coach since 2016; experience in team & individual coaching, seminars, workshops, lectures; focus of work: team coaching - with ease and fun to new ideas
Nicole Gerstner, ACC
Individual and Team Coach for crisis management & conflict resolution
Internet www.nicole-gerstner.de E-Mail info@nicole-gerstner.de
Born in 1973, lives in Ötigheim, working languages: German, English
Business economist (VWA), business coach (IHK), business mediation practitioner; certified Bullying Management Coach, cert. Bullying Officer, cert. LPP (Personality Profiler) Coach, cert. LifeCruise-Navi® Coach, cert. Trainer (DVCT), Change Manager, Business Moderator; Professional Experience: Extensive marketing and sales experience in internationally operating companies, over 10 years of leadership experience, including with intercultural teams; Experience in individual coaching, team coaching, team workshops, and future workshops; Independent coach and trainer for self-leadership since 2019, with a focus on crisis management, conflict resolution, and communication.
Peter Hayward, MCC
Leadership & Team Coach
Internet www.baldcoach.com E-Mail peter@baldcoach.com
Born in 1968, lives in Munich, working languages: German, English
I was born in UK. From a very early age I came into contact with people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and dealt with both, the similarities and the differences in their worldview. I'm convinced that it is people, who make organizations successful. As a certified coach, mentor and trainer with over 20 years of experience, I coach in professional development, organizational transformation and accompany teams through change processes. I'm currently employed at Intel, as a global facilitation leader, designing and implementing the company's coaching program.
Ellen Hornung,
Leadership & Team Coach, Communication & Change Consultant, Moderator
Internet www.hornung-change-consulting.de E-Mail ellen@hornung-change-consulting.de
Born in 1978, lives in Stutensee, working languages: German, English, Dutch
International business management & European studies, business coach (IHK); since 2019 self-employed as a process consultant, moderator and coach for teams and individuals in large international corporations; several years of experience in international marketing, organizational development and project and process consulting in an intercultural environment in large international corporations; Experience abroad in Belgium and the USA; Focus: Team and leadership development, change processes, communication and collaboration.
Ramin Hummel, PCC
Business Coach & Consultant, Strategy & Communication Expert
Internet www.derbusinessberater.de E-Mail info@derbusinessberater.de
Born in 1966, lives in Karlsruhe, working languages: German, English
Bank apprenticeship and law studies, business coach (IHK); since 2016 freelance coach and consultant, intensive consultant Cyberforum, honorary lecturer Bildungsakademie Karlsruhe; previously senior positions in corporate development, marketing and communications, including 6 years in the USA and Malta; Focus of work: personal and professional development of potential, change processes; Motto: There is always a way!
Parthena Intze
Personal & Business Coach
E-Mail parthena.intze@gmx.de
Born in 1971, lives in Karlsruhe-Durlach, working languages: German, English, Greek
Greek Passport, German Address, Scottish Soul & Seaholic, Business Coach (IHK), Senior HR Professional (tech-oriented, HR, B-2-B Marketing), 26 years of professional experience in predominantly global, multicultural US-led high-tech -Companies (matrix structures), 16 years of management experience; Experience in project management, restructuring, labor law, team and leadership development, conflict management, potential development. Coaching focus: professional and private change & reorientation, activation of inner wisdom in difficult times, development of potential. Motto: "Consider this each morning: From the moment you lift your head off the pillow you have everything you need."
Antonija Ivkovic
Holistic Healing Coach
Internet www.antonijaivkovic.com E-Mail info@antonijaivkovic.com
Born in 1984, lives in Gernsbach, working languages: German, English, Croatian, Bosnian
Holistic Business Coach IHK, ThetaHealing® Practitioner, Writing Therapist, Somatic Practice Neuro Safety Spaceholder, RTH Foundation Cert. in Hypnotherapy, Human Design Coach, M.A. English Studies and Philosophy. Professional: Coach, integration manager, manager. Private: you can find me by the sea with a book in my hand and my feet in the sand. Coaching focus: inner and energetic healing, body-mind-soul balance, personal growth, change and increase in awareness through dream-sensitive & holistic methods, trauma and identity, thought and behavior patterns, migration and integration. Motto: The only constant is change.
Ralf Kallenborn, ACC
Business Coach, Job-Coach
Internet www.ralf-kallenborn.de E-Mail coach@ralf-kallenborn.de
Born in 1960, lives in Recklinghausen, working languages: German
Dipl. Business Economist (FH), Business Coach (IHK), certified LPP (Personality Profiler) Coach, certified LifeCruise-Navi® Coach, certified Mindfulness Trainer for Meditation and Stress Management, certified Meditation Course Instructor, certified ZENbo Balance Trainer Basic, Reiki, ThetaHealing-Basic, Professional Background: Compliance Manager, Project Manager, Information Security, Data Protection, Leadership, retired since 2023, Coaching Focus Areas: Job Coaching, Reorientation, Unleashing Potential, Change Processes, Finding Meaning in Life
Martina Mayer, ACC
Life & Relationship Coach, Systemic Therapist and
Internet www.voninnenwachsen.de and www.singlecoaching-karlsruhe.de E-Mail kontakt@voninnenwachsen.de
Born in 1981, lives in Karlsruhe, working languages: German, French
Graduate social worker (FH), systemic therapist/ consultant (SG), business coach (IHK). Employed in a counseling center for marriage, family and life issues. Part-time self-employed as a coach, systemic therapist & consultant, university lecturer, freelance speaker. Focus: interpersonal relationships, love & partnership, communication, personal growth. People who want to make their lives fulfilling and have happy relationships. Motto: A fulfilled life consists of good relationships.
Silvia Richter-Kaupp, MCC
Holistic Business Coach & Coach Trainer
Internet www.richter-kaupp.de E-Mail silvia@richter-kaupp.de
Born in 1967, lives in Rastatt, working languages: German, English
Business administration diploma FH, master certified coach (ICF), certified trainer for nonviolent communication, ThetaHealing instructor, mediator, therapist for integrated solution-oriented psychology, certified LPP (Personality Profiler) coach; since 1997 self-employed as a coach, trainer and mediator, before that 11 years employed in sales and as HR manager; since 2006 lecturer at KIT and since 2008 trainer for business coaches; book author ('Business Coaching' / GABAL)
Ebru Scharfe, ACC
Intercultural Business Coach
Internet www.ebruscharfe.com E-Mail mail@ebruscharfe.com
Born in 1973, lives in Kirchberg an der Murr, working languages: German, Turkish, English.
Grad. Pedagogy, Business Coach, Nonviolent Communication, ThetaHealing; freelancing coach; over 25 years of experience in the international mobility sector, employed as communication expert. Grew up bilingually, shaped by diverse life experiences in Germany, Turkey, France, and Japan, as well as early exposure to people from different cultural backgrounds. Inspired about coaching and supporting people in their personal transformations and potential development. Focus: Personal & professional change and reorientation; harmony of body & mind; increasing awareness of migration and integration; personal development; developing personal potential; conflict management. Interests: sustainability, minimalism, Feng Shui, Qi Gong, Shinrin Yoku, Jin Shin Jyutsu. Motto: " Accept each challenge in life as an opportunity for self-transformation!"
Torsten Schmidt, ACC
Business- and Life-Coach (touched, inspired, accompanied)
Internet www.schmidt-bewegt.de E-Mail torsten@schmidt-bewegt.de
Born in 1977, lives in Karlsruhe, working language: German
Dipl.-Ing. (Electrical engineering), business coach (IHK, ICF ACC) in a part-time job with a focus on: personal and professional potential development, personality and team development, cooperation, decision-making, burn-out prevention, transformation processes, joie de vivre and lightness through mindfulness, individual - and team coaching. Working full-time in an international energy company as a transformation facilitator (NewWork), coach and facilitator. Motto: The power is in you! Let them go and go your way full of joy and lightness every day, more and more!
Karin Schwenk, ACC
Business Coach & Design Thinking Coach
Internet www.linkedin.com/in/karinschwenk E-Mail info@karin.schwenk.de
Born in 1966, lives in Stuttgart, working languages: German, English
Diploma in Business Administration (FH), Business Coach (IHK), Design Thinking Coach, Designing Your Life Coach, certified LPP (Personality Profiler) Coach, 26 years in the IT industry with a global corporation as a program and project manager in marketing, business development and design thinking. Since 2023 self-employed as a business coach and facilitator of design thinking workshops in schools and companies. Coaching focal points: Reorientation, potential development, self-leadership, change processes, cultural change, shaping the future together. Just do it, the path is created by walking.
Monika von Manteuffel, ACC
Business Coach & Trainer
Internet www.monika-von-manteuffel.de E-Mail monika.manteuffel@gmx.de
Born in 1982, lives in Ettlingen, working languages: German, English
Part-time self-employed as a business coach, full-time employed as a career & talent consultant in human resources management at an international IT and consulting company; Trainer at UCN; Degree in business administration in European Business Administration (EBS), business coach IHK. Coaching focus: personality development, management development and team development, change processes, conflicts, communication and cooperation
Dr. Helmut Wächter, ACC
Coach & Moderator
E-Mail h.waechter@gmx.de
Born in 1963, lives in Stuttgart and Neustadt/Weinstrasse, working languages: German, English
Certified business coach (IHK), computer scientist and business economist (University of Stuttgart), voluntary pastor (KESS); many years of experience as a project manager and IT architect for a world market leader as well as in design thinking and strategy development in the non-profit sector; Passion: Coaching teams, moderating workshops, listening to & playing music; Motto: master professional and private challenges more confidently